Wrap Around Tumbler Printing | Compress iUV600

UV Printing gives you the freedom to print directly onto virtually anything. But there are a few things that really capture people’s attention that are unique to the Compress UV lineup. Printing Dept Rotary Jig It’s the combination of those 2 things that made printing a 360-degree wrapped image around a Yeti tumbler possible. https://vimeo.com/443134610 […]

UV Printed Metal Health Safety Signs | Mutoh XpertJet 461UF

Metal Safety Signs Sell for $25 each and cost under $7.00 to make You know that local business you’re already selling t-shirts to? Well, odds are they are now in need of some health safety signs for their storefront. These signs can range from face mask requirements to 6-foot distance reminders. Some stores are currently […]

Printing on Light Switch Plates | Mutoh XpertJet UV Printer

Custom Light Switches Sell for $10 each and cost $.50 to make https://vimeo.com/432908575 UV Printing gives you the freedom to print directly onto virtually anything. Our line of UV Printers is ideal for not just promotional products like pens and key chains BUT is also the perfect fit for more creative projects like custom home […]

UV Printing on Car Mats

There’s usually a divide between customization businesses – like sign printers, apparel decorators, promotional products businesses – and ones that cater to the automotive niche. But just attend any of the big industry trade shows and car wraps are EVERYWHERE. To do those car wraps though, you’d need to invest pretty heavily in a pretty […]

Making Custom Ping Pong Balls | UV Printing with Mutoh XpertJet 461UF

Everyone offers custom golf balls. One of the reasons many promotional products vendors, and even sporting goods manufacturers, get into UV printing is specifically FOR golf balls. After all – golf is everywhere and people will definitely spend on tournament logos. But while golf balls are very popular, there’s also quite a bit of competition […]

Canvas Printing with Mutoh XpertJet XJ461UF

Flatbed UV Printing makes photo printing profitable! Printing custom canvases with the Mutoh XpertJet XJ461-UF can make you $300 or more per hour. If that doesn’t get your attention then, read on and watch the video on how simple it is to take a phone-quality image and turn it into something worthy of hanging on […]

Printing Braille | Growing Your Business with UV

If you’re looking for ways to expand your business, one fantastic opportunity for growth is in the Braille signage marketplace. Graphics and/or Sign Companies Already Have Most of the Skills Necessary From the perspective of a graphics company the opportunity exists in the signage arena. For starters, there are some specific guidelines for Braille signage guidelines. […]

Mutoh Valuejet 426UF Desktop Printer | Making Custom Coasters

How to make $423.08 per hour with the Mutoh Valuejet 426UF desktop printer The Mutoh Valuejet 426UF desktop printer is a tremendous deal at the price- under $20,000 for a professional LED UV printer is pretty amazing – and a profit-making machine when you pick the right products. Keep in mind that the 426UF UV is […]

What is UV LED Printing?

This problem-solving technology and why it matters to YOU So, you’ve heard all the craze about UV-LED flatbed printers for printing directly on to a whole range of products that you didn’t think could be direct printed. You may have even seen them at a trade show or in someone’s shop. But do you really […]

How to Print Yard Signs with a UV Printer

How to Print Yard Signs with a UV Printer How to Tips & Tricks to reduce labor and improve profits producing plastic yard signs on your flatbed UV printer How to print yard signs? It’s pretty simple with the right flatbed UV printer. People want full-color customized yard signs for a lot of different applications. […]