UV Printer Ink Overview

For a significant majority of users wanting to benefit from digital print technology, it was the advent of UV-curable ink chemistries that turned wishful thinking into reality. Although long-established in analog environments, there were challenges that needed to be met with these formulations before truly practical engines could move into the mainstream inkjet market. These […]
Compress iUV-600s vs. Mimaki UJF-6042 MkII

When it comes to midsize UV-LED flatbed printers, there are a decent number of options. However, the Mimaki UJF-6042 MkII and the Compress iUV-600s are almost always part of the conversation. So let’s take a few minutes and compare them face to face. Compress iUV600s Mimaki UJF6042 MKII Print area/max material width: Mimaki UJF-6042 MkII – […]
Understanding the UV Curable Process and Application

There is a new buzzword (s) going around the digital printing industry “UV Curable” What exactly does this mean? Mainly, It refers to the ink that is used in UV printing. But it is also used to refer to those substrates or items that will “accept” UV ink and produce a solid bond when exposed […]
Comparing Roland Versa UV LEF2-200 and the Mutoh XpertJet 461UF

There are many small-format UV LED flatbed printer options on the market today. So, to make sure you get the right equipment, it’s essential to determine what you need in a printer. You’ll need to consider the print area of the printer, not just the size in square inches but also the maximum dimensions in each […]
DTG Printer Plus UV Printing Offer Big Opportunities

DTG Printers, or “direct to garment” printers, are the quintessential t-shirt printers. UV Printing is used to print onto almost everything except t-shirts. The idea behind Bundling these 2 different inkjet printing technologies together in your business is one that can easily generate more sales, and profits, with every customer you meet. We’re going to […]
How to Improve UV Printer Ink Adhesion

Before you can improve adhesion for your UV prints, you’ll need to understand what needs to happen to get good adhesion. In other words, we need to get the UV ink to properly “wet” the surface. The best way to describe this is by thinking about your car when it is freshly waxed versus when […]
Wrap Around Reusable Bottle Printing | Mutoh XpertJet 661UF

Custom reusable water bottles can sell for over $40.00 each and ink costs are only $.06 UV Printing gives you the freedom to print directly onto virtually anything. Our line of UV Printers is ideal for not just small promotional products like pens and keychains BUT is also capable of printing more unique items like cylindrical bottles. […]

Pad printing allows you to print images onto many 3D objects. Traditionally it’s been used to print on items that have been considered difficult to print on because of shape or texture. However, pad printing is not the best choice when it comes to printing on unique objects. If you’re looking for a better way […]
Use Flexible UV Ink for Printing Sports Balls and Other Flexible Items

Flexible UV Inks Let YOU DO More and Make More Money. John hates to say No to his customers. He’s spent 16 years building up his family’s UV ink printing business and now works with dozens of sports equipment distributors. John’s a perfectionist who takes great pride in his work printing custom logos and images. His customers keep […]
Common Applications for UV Printing / Marking on Metal

3 Problem Solvers for UV Printing on Metal https://vimeo.com/272382188 Companies are coming to us more and more for UV Printing on metal applications. And the Compress brand of UV Printers is turning out to be a real problem solver for marking on metal. Here are some common applications for printing on metal, or “marking” as it’s […]